Searching tips
- You can use the 'AND' / 'OR' / 'NOT' options for criteria you want to add or remove.
- You can return to normal search by pressing the cancel button.
- Enter the word or words you want to search for in the search field.
- Increase the number of words to narrow the list of results. If there are multiple words, the search engine will return records where both appear.
- Search is case-insensitive. (Indexes are in Turkish. Keep in mind that in searches for non-Turkish words, the lowercase 'I' character may not be 'i'.)
- If you're unsure about certain letters in the word, use ?(single letter) or *(multiple letters) to specify that character is flexible.
- Searches for Demirbaş / ISBN / ISSN are exact matches. If the range search includes a mix of letters and numbers, enclose it in { } characters. Example: {start ... end}. If the range consists solely of numbers, use square brackets, e.g., [1923 ... 2020]